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eggless butter cookies recipe

Crisp butter cookies made from whole wheat flour.

Crisp butter cookies made from whole wheat flour.

I made these butter cookies for christmas this year along with the eggles christmas fruit cake. i have made these cookies before too.

we are fond of cookies. thats true. whenever we go to any big store or a shopping mall, we always look out for the cookie shops or the cookie section. usually i end up buying healthy cookies made with whole wheat or multi grain flour or millet flours. surprisingly and on the contrary, there are very few cookie recipes posted on the blog. since i often bake cookies without taking pics. in fact i have one big book dedicated to only making cookies.

40 mins
25 mins
1 hour 5 mins

eggless butter cookies - crisp butter cookies made with whole wheat flour and butter.

RECIPE TYPE: dessert, snacks
CUISINE: world
SERVES: 52 to 54 small cookies

INGREDIENTS (measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml)
2 cups whole wheat four/atta, 240 gms
4 to 5 green cardamoms - seeds kept and husks removed
100 grams chilled cold unsalted butter, about 7 to 8 tbsp butter
½ tsp baking powder or ½ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp nutmeg powder
2 to 3 tbsp milk, add more milk if required
3 tbsp curd/yogurt
½ cup organic unrefined cane sugar or regular sugar or ¾ cup powdered sugar, 125 grams of powdered sugar

in a blender or grinder, add ½ cup sugar and seeds of 4 to 5 green cardamoms.
grind to a fine powder. keep aside. you can also use ¾ cup powdered sugar instead of grinding the sugar.
in a mixing bowl, take 2 cups whole wheat flour (240 grams) and ½ tsp baking soda or ½ tsp baking powder.
with a spoon or spatula mix everything well.
add 100 grams chilled butter. with your fingertips break the butter and mix with the flour. you can cut the butter with two knives too. this can also be achieved with a food processor or a stand mixer. if the butter melts while mixing with your hands, keep the mixture in the fridge for some minutes and then start again..
mix till you get a bread crumb like texture in the mixture.
add powdered sugar and ¼ tsp nutmeg powder. mix well with a spoon or spatula.
add 3 tbsp yogurt. lightly mix and then add 2 to 3 tbsp milk.
mix and gather the entire mixture together to a dough. don't knead.
keep the cookie dough covered in a bowl, in the fridge for 30 minutes.
before baking and cutting the cookies, pre heat the oven at 180 degrees celsius/356 degrees fahrenheit.
remove the dough and spread some flour on the work surface as well as on the dough.
with a rolling pin, roll the dough. this rolling takes quite an effort. roll the dough to a thickness of 0.50 to 0.75 cms.
with cookie cutters, cut the dough. gather the remaining dough and again roll. cut with the cookie cutters and repeat the process.
then place the cookies in a baking tray with an inch gap between them. bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees celsius/356 degrees fahrenheit for 15 to 25 minutes or more till the cookies are light golden or golden.
once baked, remove when still hot and place them on a wired tray or rack. so that the cookies cool down.
once they cool down at room temperature, place them immediately in an air tight jar or box.
serve eggless butter cookies plain or with milk or tea.

Step By Step Instruction with Images


1. in a blender or grinder, add ½ cup sugar and seeds of 4 to 5 green cardamoms.

 sugar for butter cookies

2. grind to a fine powder. keep aside. you can also use ¾ cup powdered sugar instead of grinding the sugar.

 powdered sugar for butter cookies recipe

3. in a mixing bowl, take 2 cups whole wheat flour (240 grams) and ½ tsp baking soda or baking powder. you can add either baking soda or baking powder in this recipe. baking soda gives a softer texture whereas baking powder gives a crisp texture.

 flour for butter cookies recipe

4.with a spoon or spatula mix everything well.

 mix flour to make butter cookies recipe

5. add 100 grams (about 7 to 8 tbsp) chilled butter. cut the butter into cubes or sticks and then add.

 add butter

6. with your fingertips break the butter and mix with the flour. you can cut the butter in the flour with two knives too. this can also be achieved with a food processor or a stand mixer. if the butter melts while mixing with your hands, keep the mixture in the fridge for some minutes and then start again.

 mix butter and flour

7. mix till you get a bread crumb like texture in the mixture.

 butter cookies mixture

8. add powdered sugar and ¼ tsp nutmeg powder.

 add sugar to butter cookies mixture

9. mix well with a spoon or spatula.

 mix butter cookies mixture

10. add 3 tbsp yogurt.

 yogurt for eggless butter cookies recipe

11. lightly mix and then add 2 to 3 tbsp milk.

 milk for butter cookies recipe

12. mix and gather the entire mixture together to a dough. don’t knead.

 eggless butter cookies dough

two methods to make cookies:

a) easy and quick method

1. now make a log or roll of the dough. cover with a cling film or place the rolled dough log covered in a bowl. refrigerate the cookie dough for 30 minutes.

 eggless butter cookies dough

2. after 30 minutes, remove and then slice the dough in 0.75 cm to 1.25 cm cookies. preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius before you bake these cookies.

 slicing the chilled butter cookies dough

3. place the cookies in a baking tray with an inch gap between them. you can also press some dry fruits in the center.

 bake butter cookies

4. bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees celsius/356 degrees fahrenheit for 15 to 25 minutes or more till the cookies are light golden or golden. temperatures vary from oven to oven, so do keep a check whilst the cookies are baking. for slight moist and crumbly taste, don’t brown the cookies. for a crisp texture, brown the cookies lightly. depending on the size of the cookies, it may take more or less time for the cookies to bake. keep the cookie tray in the center rack if using an OTG. don’t keep it on the tray touching the bottom heating rods. or else the cookies burn from the base.

 baking butter cookies

5. once baked, remove when still hot and place them on a wired tray or rack. so that the cookies cool. down.

 baked eggless butter cookies

elaborate method to make cookies:

1. chill the dough without rolling in a log. remove the cookies dough and spread some flour on the work surface as well as on the dough.

 rolling butter cookies dough

2. with a rolling pin, roll the dough. this rolling takes quite an effort. roll the dough to a thickness of 0.50 to 0.75 cms.

 rolling butter cookies dough

3. with cookie cutters, cut the dough. gather the remaing dough and again roll. cut with the cookie cutters and repeat the process.

 cutting butter cookies from dough

4. then place the cookies in a baking tray with an inch gap between them. bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees celsius/356 degrees fahrenheit for 15 to 25 minutes or more till the butter cookies are light golden or golden. these cookies can also be baked in the convection mode of microwave oven with the same temperature. you can also bake the cookies in batches, if you have a small  oven. just place the cookies in the fridge before you bake them in batches.

 baking eggless butter cookies

5. the baked butter cookies once out of the oven.

 baked eggless butter cookies

6. once baked, immediately remove them when still hot and place them on a wired tray or rack. so that the cookies cool down.

 baked eggless butter cookies

7. once they cool down at room temperature, place them immediately in an air tight jar or box. serve eggless butter cookies plain or with milk or tea.

About Ravi


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